Our PhD is a rolling programme, so students can start off at any time of the year. We are inviting applications for PhD positions in any of the following areas:
- program verification and static analysis (Dino Distefano)
- logic for dynamical systems (Ursula Martin, Paulo Oliva)
- information theory for program analysis (Pasquale Malacaria)
- knowledge representation (Max Kanovich, Graham White)
- collaborative policies and assured information sharing (Max Kanovich)
- categorical logic (Edmund Robinson)
- proof theory (Paulo Oliva, Søren Riis)
- mathematics for human-computer interaction (Paul Curzon)
- algorithms and complexity (Søren Riis)
- combinatorics and network theory (Søren Riis)
- denotational semantics and program analysis (Nikos Tzevelekos)
For more information on, please visit our members’ webpages.
Our group has a particularly strong track record of industrial collaborations, including recent collaborations with Microsoft, QinetiQ and NATS (national Air Transport Services Ltd.).
We have several PhD studentships available for both overseas and UK residents (or EU citizens having studied in the UK for the last three years). The studentship will comprise full fees and an annual stipend. Studentships will be awarded for a period of up to three years subject to satisfactory progress.
For overseas students there are also grants available to cover overseas tuition fees reducing the fee-level to the level of that of home students.
All applicants should hold a first or upper second-class honors degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics or a cognate area. It is desirable, but not mandatory, that candidates will have an MSc in theoretical computer science.
Successful candidates will enroll on a full-time programme of research studies leading to the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. As part of the PhD degree the successful candidate will be expected to attend international conferences.
Completed applications should be submitted as soon as possible, and interviews normally take place within a month of the application being received.
You can apply online or email Melissa Yeo for an application pack. For further information about research at Queen Mary please contact Dr Paulo Oliva, Queen Mary, University of London.